Group Dreaming

Group Dreaming

     One of the most fascinating developments in the last few decades has been the groups that have come together for the purpose of utilizing dreams for projects and to solve problems. A number of them are described in Mutual Dreaming (Magallón, 1997). In her chapter on "Why Dream Deliberately?", Magallón provides a number of reasons for doing so:
        * Information gathering
        * Conflict diagnosis and resolution
        * To work on group issues
        * Healing and problem solving
        * Social commentary and cultural change
        * Psychic investigations (telepathy, precognition, etc.)
        * Laboratory dreaming

     The groups she writes about include Henry Reed's 1976 Dream Research Project (sponsored by Cayce's A.R.E. which two years later evolved into the Dream Helper Project. The Poseidia Institute, derived from Jane Robert's Seth channeling, was involved with this and later (in 1984) set up the Dream Network the members of which were to dream about assigned topics. Meanwhile, Jean Campbell, the director of the Poseidia Instititute, continued with three dreaming in groups projects which she describes in her 2006 book on Group Dreaming.

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